Power Scheduler
Managing Power Status of Cloud Resources in projects
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Managing Power Status of Cloud Resources in projects
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In Power Scheduler page, User can schedule power status of target cloud resources.
Power Scheduler page offers listing scheduler information, add/update/delete scheduler.
User need to define security policy(IAM) before setup power scheduler.
Before creating Power Scheduler modify your existing policy, For detailed process refer to link below.
Scheduler list by Projects
User can see Overall status of power scheduling
Search Bar
User can search status of power scheduling by project name.
Scheduling Widget
Items of power scheduler information for each projects are below.
Project Name
Name of projects which is linked to power scheduler
Number of Resource
Number of resources : Number of resources that are controlled by power scheduler.
Number of resources available : Total number of resources can be scheduled by power scheduler (Server, RDS, Auto Scaling Group).
List of running schedule(Up to 3 items)
Estimated Reduced Cost
Reduced cost by power scheduler in last 1 months(US dollar).
Scheduled Job
Length of each schedule
Scheduling Meat Map
The color of scheduling head map has 2 steps. The color shows how long is scheduled job. Each color means below
In scheduler Calendar, User can manage this functions
User can see scheduler timetable. x-axis is date, y-axis is time to be controlled. By clicking This weeks jump to power scheduling plan for this weeks.
Move to next/previous weeks by < >
buttons right upper side of table.
• Priority by Resource Group
Scheduler is consist of several resource group. Each resource group has step defined by priority.
The lower number gets higher priority. The status change of higher priority finishes first. If the target status is ON, higher priority Resource Group start first.
Create/Deleting Resource Group is done by clicking Edit button > + Add Group.
Resource Groups In Same Priority
There is sequence of changing status between resource groups in same priority.
Upper position resource group changes first, and Lower position goes second.
Details of Resource Group
Detailed status resource group is done by clicking Name of Resource Group.
Name of Resource Group
Resource Type
Type of Resource Group(Instance, RDS, Autoscaling)
Target List
List of Cloud Resources to be controlled
By Clicking Creating New Scheduler button, New scheduler editing screen appears.
If there is no existed scheduler, Creation screen is auto generated.
To create schedule, fill out several items required.
Name of Schedule.
Combination of String, Number, '-' is valid. escape character is not available.
Specifying time for scheduler, x-axis is date, y-axis is detailed time.
Selecting range of times done by click & drag in calendar.
Schedule has two mode.
Scheduled mode
Repeated Schedule
Repeated by every weeks. Within selected area, Resources are On, Otherwise(Non selected) resources became Off.
One time
Event time for specific date. At the selected area, resources became on.
One time
Event time for specific date. At the selected area, resources became off.
Creating resource groups to control.
By Creating Resource Group button, Creating Resource Group Page Pops up.
Informations to be specified are belows
Enter Resource Group name.
Total 128 character is available.
Name should start with character(not number).
Name can be a combination of charcter, number, '-'
Resource Type
Select resource type. Available list of resource group is belows.
[AWS] Auto Scaling Group
[Google] Compute Engine
[Google] Instance Group
[Google] Cloud SQL
Resource List
Target Cloud Resources to be controlled. Selected by search filter.
Confirm the input information, then click save button.
By clicking Trash Can button, Scheduler can be deleted.
Scheduler Name
By Clicking Scheduler Edit button right upper of page. Scheduler name can be edited.
Scheduler Calendar
By clicking Edit button in calendar. One time schedule, Repeated time scheduled can be edited.
Resource Group
Resource Group can be edited edit button below.
Some limitations for power scheduler service are existed, Most of them are inherited from functionality of each cloud providers.
Cloud resources which has conditions below can not managed by power scheduler service
ASG controlled by EKS managed group
RDS Instance
Instance that member of replication
SQL Server DB using Multi-AZ
RDS Aurora Instance
Member of Aurora global database
Cluster that using parallel query feature
Cloud resources has a such a condition that does not support within power scheduler Service
Compute Engine
Compute Engine resources may NOT turn on/off if selected compute engines are instance of Instance group.
Categorizing Instance group's compute engine and normal compute engine on the view will be available soon.
Instance Group
Only Stateless type in Instance Group is valid to turn on/off in power scheduler service because Google Cloud supports autoscaling on Stateless type only in Instance Group. (Refer to google.compute.instance_group)
Minimum number of Instance in Instance group is 1 when instance group scales in(autoscaling) except certain type (Unmanaged Instance Group).
Please, be advised that "Instance Group" is working for action Start/Stop as followings:
Valid type:
Stateless (Managed) as mentioned above.
Results on Action:
Recommend size is given by Google Cloud from their own statistic
ON : Scale up to recommend size(count) of Instance group and autoscaling mode is on (Keep scale in/out itself by recommend size if autoscaling mode is on).
OFF : No matter autoscaling mode is on or off, diminish Instance Group to 1 Instance and autoscaling mode is off.
Action Cycle & status
Scheduled time is between 0 ~ 12 hours
Scheduled time is between 12~24 hours