Set up a Topic and Subscription at AWS SNS Service
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Set up a Topic and Subscription at AWS SNS Service
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To Connect SpaceONE's Alert Manager, Set up AWS SNS's Topic and its Subscriptions
Please, Set SNS Topic and its Subscription for following Steps
Step 1. Log in AWS Console > SNS > Topics
Step 2. Click Create topic
Step 3. Select Standard
options and Give name for new topic as below
Step 4. Check Topic is created successfully.
Once Topic has created, as above. Please, set subscription.
Step 1. Log in AWS Console > SNS > Topics > Select Topic that you would like to set up a subscription and then Click Create subscription
Step 2. Type or select each required fields and Click Create subscription
button to Create subscription
Protocol : HTTPS
Endpoint : Webhook URL that you create from SpaceONE
Step 3. Check created subscription under AWS Console > SNS > Topics > AWS-SNS (Created Topic)
Step 4. Check Status has changed after create a new subscription from Pending confirmation
to Confirmed
as below
Step 5. You are ready to get SNS message through Webhook once status updated as Confirmed